Product Update

January 2024 release

James Schnarr, Senior Product Manager
January 8 2024

The January 2024 release of our next generation OCTOPUZ software is now available! This update brings new features that makes OCTOPUZ software even better for programming robots offline.

Cell template library

Cell templates, used as a starting point to create new projects, are now available in our online library. Choose from several introductory templates for training, learning, and demoing. In addition, create a visual library of your own most commonly used cell templates.

SpaceMouse® support

Navigate the 3D World in OCTOPUZ using 3Dconnexion SpaceMouse® devices, just as you would in your favourite CAD or CAM software.

Literal statements

A new program statement type can insert literal code blocks and statements into a program. This statement type is useful in cases where logic or macros need to be called on the robot system, or any other instruction is required that is custom to your system or not otherwise supported natively in OCTOPUZ.

More improvements
  • There is a new setting in Simulation Settings called “Visualize Errors”. If enabled, mechanism joints will be highlighted in the 3D World when they are experiencing a singularity, joint limit, or unreachable error.
  • On the Mechanism panel, there is a new section called “Status”. The Status section summarizes the current error status of all robots controllers and mechanisms in the project.
  • The Create Tool/Add Tool panels have been merged into a single workflow with many different improvements.
  • It is now possible to activate OCTOPUZ offline without an internet connection. This is recommended only when a device does not and will not have any access to the internet.
  • The 3D World “Navigation Buttons” control has been redesigned and now has 25 unique view points (up from five previously).
  • Launchpad has been redesigned. The new design uses a left bar navigation and has more room to display content.

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This update is now available to download directly in OCTOPUZ for users of the next generation of OCTOPUZ that have an active OCTOPUZ software plan. Full release notes are also available on the OCTOPUZ Academy.

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